3rd september
Topic 3 : Integration of Fisheries and Aquaculture industries into planning and management
Moderators: M. Kadota /C. Chabout
L. David
Synthesis of scientific studies undertaken during six years on the Mediterranean "thonaille" fishery: bycatch and solutions
G. Fabi
Artificial reefs as fisheries management tools in the northern Adriatic Sea
H. Farrugio
A Fisheries restricted area in the Gulf of Lions (France)
M. Goujon
Actions of the French purse-seine industry to reduce its footprint on the tropical pelagic ecosystem
O. Guyader
Moored Fishing Aggregating Devices exploitation by Small-Scale Fleet in the Caribbean: Review and Outlook after 20 years
Coffee break and Poster Session
R. Parker
Ecological footprint and life cycle assessment of Antarctic krill fishery products
D. Sauzade
Mediterranean marine ecosystems: an economic valuation
Topic 4 :Governance system
Moderators: M. Tada / Y. Henocque
B. Cazalet
Indeterminacy of waters under the jurisdiction in the Mediterranean
J.-M. Fromentin
Overfishing : the Atlantic bluefin tuna case
Continuing Topic 4 : Governance system
Y. Henocque
What makes the difference between the ecosystem approach to fisheries and integrated coastal zone management in the Mediterranean: it's the economy, stupid!
S. Miyashita
Seedling Production of the Pacific Bluefin Tuna.
S. Pioch
Toward a new coastal development: the 4 dimensional uses of the sea
Coffee break and Poster Session