
Last update (2011 February)

Download the Proceedings (format pdf) :

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After the meeting on Friday 3 September 2010, the members of the Scientific Committee agreed that a Thematic section could be dedicated to the symposium in the journal Aquatic Living Resources (ALR).
Thus, these papers will be considered as "regular articles" and published free of charges (except color print).

Contributors are invited to submit a written version (full papers, short notes, reviews) of their oral presentations or posters (max. 6,000 words, approximately). Those papers will be reviewed and those that have been positively assessed by the reviewers will be accepted for publication.

Dead line: October 31, 2010.
Papers should be sent to the journal ALR (email: and copies should be sent to the symposium e-mail address ( and as well - as attached MS-Word or PDF documents.

When preparing your paper for publication, make sure that you follow the ALR journal instructions to authors. Full papers should be accompanied by an abstract of 350 words maximum in English and the relevant keywords (up to 6). Names of potential reviewers could be suggested.

For more information see the journal Website 

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The Symposium Scientific Committee has also decided that extended abstracts must be received by Ifremer no later than 8th September 2010. A 2 to 4 pages summary should be provided.

If you have already send your extended abstract you still can submit a revised version if you wish to. These extended abstracts will be published in the Symposium proceedings.
An abstract template format is attached as a guide ( application/octet-stream, please read for further instructions §6.1 of the document attached: “ application/pdf quae note to authors.pdf ; § 6.1 How to use the file.

Summaries can include figures and tables and must be in Times New Roman, 12-point font, single spacing with justified alignment. Figures may be provided in JPG, or Word format . Colour illustrations should be scanned in at 300 dpi, for the reference style please read the attached file ( application/msword Literature cited.doc)

Paper for publication

Delegates will have the option of submitting a research paper for publication in a special issue of a Scientific Journal (not yet defined: guidelines will be provided later). This approach ensures authors have options of how to present their data and what type of publication they submit.

Contact France : 
Ifremer : Centre de Recherche Halieutique (CRH), Méditerranéenne et Tropicale
B.P. 171 Avenue Jean Monnet
34203 Sète, France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 57 32 00

Jacques Sacchi (
François Poisson (
Liza Koenig (