Session poster
Topic 1 : Interaction between aquaculture, fisheries and ecosystem
D. Banaru
Food web and fisheries interactions in the Gulf of Lions
V. Cikes
Reproductive cycle and minimal length at sexual maturity of Scomber japonicus (Houttuyn, 1782) in the Middle eastern Adriatic Sea
F. Grati
Interaction in coastal waters: A roadmap to sustainable integration of aquaculture and fisheries – the COEXIST project
I. Isajlovic
Preliminary results of the south Adriatic deep sea fauna investigation
Y. Kunimune
Acoustic telemetry study on seasonal migration patterns of the endemic crucian carp Nigorobuna and Gengoroubuna in Lake Biwa, Japan
Investigating an avian source of shellfish microbial contaminations on Thau in dry weather conditions
N. Staglicic
Temporal changes in littoral fish assemblages along the eastern Adriatic coast
B. Zorica
Growth, age - otolith weight and length relationship of garfish in the eastern Adriatic Sea
Topic 2 : Mitigating measures and good practices in fishing and aquaculture activities
J.-L Coeurdacier
A first approach to investigate alterations, within physiological limits, in serum protein of sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax)
N. Di -Meglio
Endangered species and fisheries in the Western Mediterranean: Which strategy to mitigate the interaction?
J. Franco
New Designs of Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices to avoid passive catches of sea turtles and sharks
T. Kojima
Estimation of fish struggle energetics using branch line movement in longline
K. Komeyama
Measuring the swimming behaviour of a cultivated pacific bluefin tuna in an aquaculture net cage
K. Nagamatsu
Investigation of submersible net cage movement using a model Orientation changes due to asymmetric surplus buoyancy
M. Pinault
Artificial reefs as a tool to supply artisanal fishery in Reunion Island: Implementation and scientific evaluation
T. Šegvic Bubic
Wild fish population around the sea-cages of the eastern Adriatic tuna farms
F. Poisson
Incidental catches of thresher sharks in the Gulf of Lions (Mediterranean Sea)
Topic 2 : Mitigating measures and good practices in fishing and aquaculture activities
T. Yamane
Effects of currents and the induced net deformation on set-net fishery, experimental and numerical approach
T. Yamane
Human impact on the catch composition of traditional set-net operated in the south–basin fishing ground of Lake Biwa
T. Yamane
Relationship between the discards and catch-diversity of the set-net fishery
T. Yamane
How to minimize the discards from set-net fishery
Topic 3 : Integration of Fisheries and Aquaculture industries into planning and management
B. Cazalet
Reflections on the management methods of artificial reefs
F. Claro
GTMF (Groupe Tortues Marines France) an appropriate tool for sea turtle conservation
Topic 4 :Governance system
J. Barde
Fisheries Data Integration for Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
A. Carpentier
The Charm Project: Defying the Channel’s loss by facing environmental challenges across borders
H. Farrugio
Monitoring Mediterranean fish stocks and fisheries management measures