2nd september
Topic 2 : Mitigating measures and good practices in fishing and aquaculture activities
Moderators: T. Takagi /J. Sacchi
D. Priour
Numerical method for energy optimization of bottom trawl
B. Séret
"MADE" Project: Methods to release Elasmobranches from purse seine
S. Shirakashi
Parasitic infections observed in artificially bred Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis
T. Takagi
Dynamic analysis in the development of offshore net-cage aquaculture system for bluefin tuna by using computer simulation system NaLA
Coffee break and Poster Session
S. Torisawa
Three-dimensional monitoring of free-swimming Pacific bluefin tuna cultured in a net cage using a digital stereo-video camera system
Y. Tsuda
Visibility range of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, related to the turbidity and the color sensitivity in the net-cage